Audubon Adventures for Classrooms
Each year Firelands Audubon Society donates 12 kits of Audubon Adventures from the National Audubon Society to local classrooms in the Firelands area. These kits include lesson plans, activities, handouts, magazines and much more to engage todays young minds in the understanding and appreciation of nature, the outdoors and environmental stewardship.
Developed by professional educators and scientists, Audubon Adventures is designed to be integrated easily into any curriculum area: science, mathematics, language arts, social studies, and the creative arts. It has been used in classrooms, home-school settings, after-school programs, camp programs, ESL classes, and more. Since its inception in 1984, more than 7 million students have participated in the program.
More information about this program can be found here:
If you are interested in helping Firelands Audubon reach more young minds by sponsoring a classroom, you can make a donation to the Education Fund to provide an Audubon Adventures Kit including shipping by using the Buy Now button.